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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Plains, Trains, and Housing: Rapid Transit vs Housing Costs.


Lets face it, if it’s faster and easier to move people farther from living near the water, but still have service at The Cardero, or more-so the Vancouver Club, the High Rents and costs in the City of Vancouver will be created, and why? Intercity Travel.
The easier it is to send you t Surrey to work in Vancouver, the better for old stuffy establishment, the underhanded old money of the West. It’s why they push for faster and faster and more distant traveling Trains. Hell even near the trains the prices jolt up. Since even in Surrey it’s the closest place to the beach.
The National, Provincial and County Governments with Civic ones are happy to gently suggest you live a little farther away from them.
Even make it easy for you. Students make most of the demands, but hell you point their signs the right way, they will get you what you want.
Another good reason to put the Municipalities in control of their own, cancel the West Coast express and put a light rail that only comes up as far as Hastings-Sunrise, with the potential of eventually flying up to Clarke or Victoria to UBC eventually. But nothing easily connecting straight to the next town.
In fact you could make all Intracity (within) zones cheaper and higher to the Airport and Out to the neighboring towns.
You see if people need a car to go out there, they are presumed to have less money to spend, Developers, owners, etc… are on the false pretense they can use endless Government resources to get you out of your card to commute, and therefore even if you stay in this Town, have more money for higher rents.
It’s the trouble with logic, it has the lack of the ability to just wing it. Megalomaniacs are overtly logical, it’s their problem, usually.
A fast train is more valuable to the old money that don’t want you around than a Mercedes.

Categories Transit, Housing

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