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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

We need to cut taxes!!!!!


Demand Council Repeal: The Empty Homes Tax is also known as the Vacancy Tax and is imposed under the Vacancy Tax Bylaw No. 11674.
All it does is add overhead, you want someone to do things with their property, tie land value to how productive their property is.
I support ending the home owner grant, it’s needless pencil pushing if you cut property tax.

This is the tax that is applied to my rent, it has to be, don’t blame the kind land lord, no she is, it happens you know, trust the individual…..an average 1br Strata Unit.
BC ASSESSMENT 1 376,000.00 0.00004147 1.00000000 15.59
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 376,000.00 0.00124393 1.00000000 467.72
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 376,000.00 0.00000021 1.00000000 0.08
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 376,000.00 0.00004353 1.00000000 16.37
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 376,000.00 0.00092146 1.00000000 346.47
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 376,000.00 0.00021766 1.00000000 81.84
Notice Total: 928.07

2018 Advance Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
ADVANCE LEVY 1.00 0.50000000 1.00000000 443.00
Advance Notice Total: 443.00

2017 Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
BC ASSESSMENT 1 347,000.00 0.00004462 1.00000000 15.48
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 347,000.00 0.00126093 1.00000000 437.54
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 347,000.00 0.00000021 1.00000000 0.07
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 347,000.00 0.00004256 1.00000000 14.77
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 347,000.00 0.00098007 1.00000000 340.08
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 347,000.00 0.00022650 1.00000000 78.60
Notice Total: 886.54

2017 Advance Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
ADVANCE LEVY 1.00 0.50000000 1.00000000 434.00
Advance Notice Total: 434.00
2016 Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
BC ASSESSMENT 1 274,000.00 0.00005534 1.00000000 15.16
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 274,000.00 0.00156168 1.00000000 427.90
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 274,000.00 0.00000020 1.00000000 0.05
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 274,000.00 0.00005112 1.00000000 14.01
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 274,000.00 0.00120852 1.00000000 331.13
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 274,000.00 0.00028881 1.00000000 79.13
Notice Total: 867.38

0.1% on the Property Value would drop this to 360, removing itemized aspects and allowing the taxpayer to pay the departments and services they want to with the bill, give them power over this redistribution scheme.

1,234.00 (10 Units) is what the Strata Paid on Utilities and that is split on units owners and they pay it via rent income or without it. This is on top of taxes for Schools no one in my unit uses.

Flat Service Charges Units Start Date Stop Date
U STREET CLEANING 10 Jan 01, 2017
U WEEKLYGARBAGE CART 240L 2 Jan 01, 2014
U GREEN BIN 180L 1 Jun 07, 2006
U ANNUAL FIRELINE- (150MM) 1 Jan 01, 2006

*Water and Sewer is metered.

They didn’t Street Clean, they never fix the Street outside 29 Templeton Dr
So people can pay of min. nearly 900 bucks, imagine the Penthouse, and still the Strata gets charged all that as well. But that also goes to the taxpayer through Strata fees. Largely to fund useless communication projects and a building of broken promises on West 12th, CUPEs Piggy Bank.
This is not affordable. The tax that makes affordability unaffordable. I won’t say how much, but I am not a huge profit margin. You notice they tax for schools, isn’t that a school tax, but it doesn’t go to the schools or school choice, it filters through City Hall centrally.

Categories Taxes, freedom

Your Two Cents

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