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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Arts and Funding: Lets Fight Censorship


I am opposed to any censorship, and you might notice there are ways I can help arts venues by staying out of the way, by making Government stay out of the way.
Government can’t fund every artist, every venue, and it usually means collecting taxes for A, B, C…well claiming that they are collected for such reasons, then filtering it through the red tape machine.
Frankly no one could guarantee all self professed artists and all speech and expression can not be afforded a grant or funding, therefore no one should.
It is censorship for some Government or quangos to decide who gets taxpayer’s money and who doesn’t. Who’s speech is judged worth funding, and who’s isn’t.
Art is important to me, it is a family thing. Me, my parents, their parents and uncles and so on have been in the arts and sciences and humanities.
Even know I am a snob for Bach, I won’t take money from a Diddy fan for Bach, or the other way around.
Government and it’s quangos are just giant philistines.
Let the individual buy their idea of art and their idea of fun with greater expendable income through lower tax, and enjoy yourselves your way.

Categories Arts, Freespeech

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