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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Libertarians Oppressed By The Press They Want to make Free.


The Press, with pollsters, build a wall for Outsiders to help elect their Insider friends, by dismissing real independents who are not part of the establishment. So the same problems persist and even get worse. It isn’t a free press, they are the slave of the Insiders.
Maybe they can be woken up if people contact them in a civil manner.
Glacier Media is better than most but I still had to work harder at getting included in all that, than lets say insider.
I will admit an WASP bias among the press, especially if your mixed enough not to look ethnic, but my name is another story. Maybe resenting I left a bisexual rumor, a rumor and refused to exploit it to my advantage, it seems preferred to make such things a fun side show.
I even worked harder to get on the ballot, without any ease help, and plenty of crippling with no cars or anything, lots of walking, climbing and nearly dead after to be on the ballot and have the right to vote for who I want to, for starters, an outsider libertarian (non-Koch Brother type).

Avoid threats though, I’d hate to think I attract any violent Zealots, express how you feel in the most civil terms,I really think they want to be a legit Free Press. Debates also fall into this problem. As I said, without extra hard work, an outsider isn’t getting in.


There might be more addresses. No press man has to kiss my ass, but dismissal is a threat to ending the status quo. Also tell all your friends, word of mouth is good, e-mail my printable or e-mailable flyer, send them the article permalinks you like best, or the site, spread the word to people on the streets, in conversation. That is better than big spending, especially since most of the press haven’t earned advertising from me. Something that comes from my respect. Encourage others to join the word of mouth and sharing and rt campaign.

Categories Corruption, MSM

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