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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Grab Your Gun, Grab Your Wallet, and then your Tongue.


In this era of over sensitivity and Governments eager to punish speech, even to extremes by using the wrong pronouns, well it’s out of control, as another example of SJs being as bad as Moral Majority.
We need free speechers in Government, people who will by edict refuse to censor.
Refuse to pressure, and refuse to tolerate controlling nonsense.
I am a politically incorrect comedian with blue humor and stomp on egg shells. I don’t care, and this is what we need.

“As you have the power, sir, to do some service to letters, I implore
you not to clip the wings of our writers so closely, nor turn into
barndoor fowls those who, allowed a start, might become eagles;
reasonable liberty permits the mind to soar—slavery makes it creep.”
— Voltaire [A Letter To A First Commissioner]

People need to be free to vent for their sanity, we need people who innovate and think outside the box because they don’t have to worry about legal penalties for being who they are, thinking who they are.
People have right to speak, and this means people can oppose them and think differently.
Censorship never fostered any innovation or artistic advancement. It just stifles it.
Freedom of Speech, even if you get all the unpleasant stuff with it, has brought more brilliant ideas and art than any Government Act.

Categories Personal Security, Enforcement

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