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Individual Property Rights, With Origins.


Interestingly enough, the fun of hearing different and free voices is you’ll all agreeable, not agreeable, and other views or angles on issues that can help you formulate methods of argument.
Oddly enough the individual property rights vs some of that Salish occupation propaganda created by White Anglo Saxons and Western Counterparts. Usually to make sure they forget they ended up in BC because they were found to have oil under them in neighboring provinces.
I am not a WASP, nor my people (direct line) even originate in the Caucus mountains, well the direct line, but my family’s property and refugee status exist largely because of Western meddling from Hapsburgs to the Soviet takeover.
Yes, I understand a little of how they feel about the confusion of endless takeovers a relocations of families.
Although I am surprised no one consults native groups on refugee acceptance, after all the same left leaning socialist guilt ridden political side who want the refugees also accept the “stolen land” narrative, which means they want to put more people on the “stolen land” without consultation.
Now I favor, as I said I am like Coolidge in the race, at worst not dangerous, at best a plus. I even favor establishing reservations as equal municipalities with individual property rights for them and us.
If western guilt effects you, move to the old world and give the first red man you see your house. Or a Magyar, hint, hint…
Why bring any of this up? It’s about private property right? Well what makes private property was asked too, and I said deed, then the stolen land situation. Wasn’t an ANTIFA jerk either, just a well meaning girl who heard these ideas and are new to mine. Smart enough to be inquire. Not hostile.
But if we go back to the old world, before Columbus, well a libertarian might accept a peaceful trade notice to India, or who ever the found. There would be no Isabella, she’d have to be a productive individual in her own right. Like the word anarchy’s origins: No Kings.
At all points monarchy would have not even a figure head claim to enjoy, if Classic Liberals and the Enlightenment showed up sooner, and colonialism would be a big no, interventionism, a big no.
At any step of history there would be no refugees, no stolen land, just trade missions in peace and interest in co-existence.
Oh, and yes, individual property rights is fundamental to this. When native clans, tribes, bands, went at each other respect for individual or another’s collective property rights were not respected, before Peru was a thing Túpac Amaru was land grabbing a assaulting others in the name of his Inca Kingdom. Forcing taxes on individuals and recognizing no rights.
The Canadian Government even gave preferential families a sort of monarchist, class, feudal control over lands and reservations, when they could have easily treated all of them, non-western arrivals, and their Western European colonial ancestors with equal property rights and right to persue things like happiness regardless of class, race or cultural origin as well as the other categories.
Calvin Coolidge hoped to see private individual ownership that wasn’t ruled by central Government and tested it on the Paiute in Nevada and other areas, this was not a total failure, depending on who they elect to office of course.
Gentrification falls into this too, because that word is broad, and it usually falls under the category of old WASP or West Europe ancestry with old money hate seeing their neighborhoods change.
Some times it can be a legit beef, but it’s usually a cry of the old money control freak.
Developers can get out of hand, too, and this is the fault of denial of individual over collective ownership. If an individual could only sell to an individual and developers and other conglomerations were kept from ownership of land, then they would have to rent the plot of land from the individual to build on it, and keep their building there. This would up the value to the individual as an income property and housing that is much needed can be made. Also an individual can also compel the builder to bend a bit and make non-market housing as part of the deal, hell I would.
Trust, Government must trust the individual, not the collective, and no one should trust a politician or Government that doesn’t trust the individual.

Categories Property Rights, Reconciliation

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