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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

Walking Miles, 1 Signature....


Now today it was at least not people with backward views on ballot access, or paranoid people at the door, or people who barely understand the issue pertaining to supporting ballot access, and not to be confused with endorsement of a Candidate.
I saw one person who previously did it before, she was still cool, got a break from breaking in a new dog, usually women have shown cooler on this oddly enough at least 40/60.
Some weren’t home.
But today was a great lesson in what I hate about all of this, people are trying to be jubilant and enjoy their time off when they aren’t rushing one place or the other, it seems cruel to interrupt what ever festivities and relaxation they are enjoying for politics, it something the people who devised petitioning rules don’t understand, why?
Simple, they are lifers, they live and breath politics, they don’t give a damn about anything but politics, including the people who make a vote possible. They wonder why voter turnout is low.
Choices are mostly people who love politics.
People who think I am lazy when I bad mouth this nomination system. It’s just decency to hate it.
Ironically one has to do it, to fight it. But I rather they come to me voluntarily, because at least they have a say when you show up, or they show up. Amazed this part isn’t electronic, not really fool proof to have elections that way, but they could have done this that way.

*For some added info: My knee is bad, hurts, and I am not one take a lot of pain killers, doesn’t help in this case anyway. Luckily it’s warm, most of my issues are in the cold.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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