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BC Libertarian Party has someone proposing it becoming ACT BC (Association of Consumers and Taxpayers) which sounds more like a gimmicky Vancouver civic party. Community and Taxpayers sounds more inviting. It’s based on a New Zealand Party, which some think had success (under a Proportional System) over night. It was not. It took some time to tell people what it was and sell it.
Now I see no pros, I am not going door to door saying “Hi I’m an ACT,” lets not forget I’m a Comedian, however everyone will sound like they are asking for a gig.
I joined the Libertarian Party, and many did before, why do people who want this not just start their fresh ACT Party? See how well that works. I’ll respect Bernier on one thing, he didn’t join the Libertarian Party, take the offered leadership, and then change it to the PPC, he started it fresh.
So why not have an option of names only other names I’d consider a positive are BC Individualist, BC Classic Liberal Party, hey how about BC Cost Analysis Party. The latter would be impossible because there is no cost analysis for the re-branding.
We got islands of stuff. I have signs I hoped to re-use in the next Vancouver-Hastings run. It says Libertarian on it.
Cost a pretty penny as well.
I say, if you fail to sell Libertarian Principles, you failed, not the name.
Really sounds like a Liberal Party infiltrator found a way to make the Liberal Party sound like the only option for them. Since the name left, after an ACT re-brand, is that. Or start a new one. The BC Action Party will hate this.
Lets also consider, this debate is also happening with the Liberal Party of BC, people like Aaron Gunn have been pushing for a new name.
The various State Libertarian Parties in the US have made huge strides, Elected many. Even those who didn’t, Sharpe did brilliantly against Cuomo in NY and got ballot access (their Presidential Choice lost it, but the LNC is an odd problem of centralization). Even the Libertarian Party of BC have broken some records. I beat commies in Van-East and Van-Hastings, my constituency’s rep wouldn’t have been thought possible in the reputation out here. Well the ones who admit they are.
When it goes down to it, since when does a libertarian do something so massive, without doing the cost analysis?
The Debate on this was won.

Other BCLP motions:
No crazy about a leadership salary, either. Maybe per-event/travel per diem, lodging/meals and travel costs. Especially a salary above 10Gs. I hope there is a good argument for the 12 if it’s going to happen. Another problem is being able to go back on what they call a salary over fundraising quotas. Might be better to pass a leader a commission on fundraising.

Categories philosophy, liberty

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Leader Candidate, Carlito (I think trying to paint us as cranks), you hack. This is meddling, Election meddling in our own affair, good to know who the #MSM wants in leadership. #bcpoli
Georgia Straight

I have brought this to Andrew Coombes of the Ethics Committee.

I am fucking furious! I was happy being Mr. Nice Guy, I am totally fed up. It was even @ linked to our current Leader and Party on twitter and no correction. Twitter Archive

Categories Ballot Choice, liberty

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Federalism was the belief in Liberty, but decidedly anti-Nationalist, and Pro-States Rights.
Often forgotten and blatantly ignored (Roe Vs Wade) is the 10th Amendment. Something brilliantly designed to limit Amending.
Basically there are anti-10th Amendments, even poorly written ones that try to change the main body without saying “We are changing this language for this language,” basically existing like the added language.
The Federalists wanted something like the 10th Amendment, to not allow a central authority to use Amendments as means to regulate or limit state powers, or state rights or that of the individual citizen of such states.
Literally if you could argue and Amendment post-10th violates the 10th, a court could remove it.
The most amusing part of it, is repealing the 10th Amendment or any before it would violate the 10th Amendment.
An instance of a violation are Electoral, things that circumvent the ability of State Assemblies to decide how Electors are awarded, and making State College Conventions to vote differently for President than initially mentioned in the main body, which is also in one of those Amendments that doesn’t repeal original language but adds conflicting language.
10th Amendment’s first great attack was Amending it to make Senators Elected by citizenry, rather than selected by Elected State Assemblies essentially as Ambassadors from the State to the Federal Congress.
Even allowing Electors to be applied to DC, and a Congressional Seat (even a population) was a slap in face of the Tenth Amendment and every state in the Union of the United States at the time and in the future.
A very practical reason for DC, it wasn’t meant to be lived in, it was meant as a state-independent place of operation. If they meant it to be a state, they’d have stayed in Philly.

Categories philosophy, liberty

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I will state one basic point.
Leadership effects Urban Campaigns more than it does Rural. Rural are very grass rooted holding local Candidate importance.
So this is worth considering, a City Boy, may be ideal as a leader. Also on the level of the press, I remember from BC Report Magazine, and it hasn’t changed, when I worked there, I learned something about mainstream press. They don’t want to focus out in the North and Rural Areas, unless it’s burning.
So rural campaigns tend to benefit on a local paper level.
Vancouver, there is a local element I have tried to foster, however the Partisan Machine is heavy out here, and the Vancouver Press helps that along, therefore we need leadership based in a place they care about.
You’ll notice most Premiers were City/Metro based. Mostly mainland. At least since Vanderzalm.
I post about location, because I don’t think my opponent is a horrific human being, with horrific notions, and some part of me rather someone else do this job. Most of it. Libertarian sides that despise the notion of needing a leadership position. Or brass at all.
As it is, I believe we need leader to put more on Candidates, to push the notion of Candidates being their own leaders, and to inspire their constituents to be their own leaders. A notion needed foster a future of regained self ownership and a culture of voluntary action and exchange.
I am staunchly a negative rights activists. Freespeech, Self Defense and their Tools.
I am also with The LP of Canada, Rhinocerous Party, MindFreedom, Gun Owners of America as a member.
I also interview well. I have a great history. I upload what I can from my speeches, interview and debate past here
The Mad Watcher Interviewed me at a Freedom Rally on the March. Rumble Bitchute
The description has a time you can find the interview.

Join The BCLP and vote at the AGM

Sideline Identity Issue, Press Eats Up: We’d have the first openly Bisexual Leader, if that’s important to you.

Categories Ballot Choice, liberty

Your Two Cents


My thoughts maybe it’s humiliating with some in power who caught it.
Maybe like SARS 1 that spread by Roach shit in the air, it also travels by way of
arthropods. They wore masks in the plague as well, some may have seen me jokingly wearing it.
However it was discovered, you can mask up and that won’t stop the flea from biting.

So why is out of the question that bed bugs, chiggers, fleas, grass fleas, Mosquitoes, even shitting roaches spread it.
The reason I wonder this, is, a relative of mine in Abbotsford, BC he was given the COVID lay off, and he didn’t go out, nor did his family. They were completely shut out, no visitors. Total quarantine. Then he got sick.
So what could have done this?
I imagine it’s helpful to lie and say it’s human to human if it gives you power, but that throwing you weight around doesn’t cause drops in cases, much less drops in the even lower number of people who caught it, like this relative of mine.
May make sense of some nursing/care homes as well. Even in New York.

Categories Health, liberty

Your Two Cents


It was the 70s and Tom Baker takes hold of Dr. Who, up against a seemingly harmless Scientific Group called the “Think Tank.”
This later is outed as an Eco-Terrorist New World Order group. Worshiping Science, rather than going by it as they try to gain control of the world.
This is what hit my brain when I saw that Sand of Time logo of Extinction Rebellion.
So, come on 4chan fess up.
Only a geek group would be so bold to pull this stunt, and it’s just like 4chan get this going, and it might have gone a little far.

On Minds+

Categories politics, philosophy

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Here is the thing, if I get 100 people in the mail living in Vancouver, I (Gölök ZLF Buday) will run under the Vancouver Classic Liberal Association as a Mayoral Candidate.
I will also welcome 10 potential Council Candidate and you can establish your own platform with a selected Caucus Leader (eventual Dept Mayor if Majority), the platform can’t oppose Negative Rights such as “Self Defense,” “Free Speech,” and “Due Process.”
Let me know in the mailing this info:
I, (state name), am a member of the Vancouver Classic Liberal Association, by declaration.
Mention your interest in an interest of Campaign Activism/Help and also weather or not your interested in being a Council, Park, or School Candidate.
Then sign it. Leave your Name, Address, Phone, E-Mail, Website and SM addresses if you have it.
Mail to VCLA c/o 203-29 Templeton Dr Vancouver, BC V5L 4M9
I’ll get back to people as much as possible.

Categories vcla, Constitution

Your Two Cents


1. The Name
The name is the Vancouver Classic Liberal Association and in some aspects may be a the BC Individualist Party as such a the provincial party with possibility of Federal. The logo, domain, and names are the intellectual property of the Founder, Gölök ZLF Buday.

2. The Function and System Run Down.
To nominate Municipal Candidates who promote Liberty and aide in their campaigns by offering the much needed branding in our society. It also may nominate a Vancouver Candidates under the BC Individualist Party. It, The BC Individualist Party (Registered when enough members come to be, and volunteering auditor.), will join up other Municipal Parties and Possibly VILA type regional parties as affiliates and file their memberships with the Provincial on separate file, although we currently Recommend Federal and Provincial Libertarian Parties. Always welcome to leave and control the rules and acceptance of their local movement. If the central party takes issue, then it will just be removed. We limit infiltration on a central level, since the founder has total veto powers, as recommended for affiliates. Most powers like Candidate nominations are local and grass rooted, this is merely designed to unite libertarians/classic liberals on a local level.

3. Board Members
a) Founder is Gölök Z Buday Acting as President unless unable, VP acts this when he isn’t.
b) Mayoral Nominee – (2022) Gölök Z Buday
c) Council Candidate Lead Nominee – (2022 – Subject to member votes)
d) MLA Candidate if applicable – (Subject to member vote or Founder decision)
President – Founder for start.
c) VP – Subject to Member Vote
d) Financial Agent/Treasurer – Founder till change comes in place. Party is less likely to finance, and more likely to post links of Candidate Links and info.
e) Board – A Quorum of 4 more. Not including administrative office (President and VP who are only tie breaking votes.)

4. Office Duties.
a) All – To attend AGMs and meetings called by founder or president on pressing matters.
b) Founder – To amend constitution or agree or veto amendments, act as ethics officer.
c) President – To attend and mediate meetings, AGMs and only break a tied vote on matters.
d) VP – Sit in, when President is legitimately busy or become President if not legitimately busy also act as a Secretary, recording minutes.
e) Council Present and Vote on Constitutional Amendments that must be agreed with Founder, President and VP. Also tie break on policy for council campaigns and mediate meetings if President isn’t available.
f) Mayoral Candidate: Will have his own platform and is running for an independent branch from council (President of Council).
g) Council Candidate: Presuming membership is great enough apply this. Each member will represent a municipal ward. A advocate district also will have one each. They will pick a Caucus Leader (as Candidates) to be a City Wide Representative and Debater and Media voice for Council Candidates, will also be Party choice as Deputy Mayor so long as it’s appointed by Council.
h) i) Members – Must live in Vancouver City Limits. The ultimate authority in their Wards of whom gets nominated to council (6 Local Zones, 4 Regional advocates) N East, S East, N West, and S West would be Regions. 2020 Wards 1. Hastings Sunrise 2. Grandwiew-Woodlands 3. Kingsway and Kensignton BC Ridings 4. West End 5. West Side 6. False Creek/Olympic Village.
The Internal Ward Policy has a solid benefit of effectively targeting communities and spreading the word.
The policy would be to dissolve School and Park Boards and make it all city business to further privatization that best reflects municipal goals so no Candidates will be ran in those preferably, however while it exists it’s possible. As long as Schools are not fully privatized and voucher choice exists, it will be Mayor, Council and PTAs electing people to School Principles in remaining state schools, as an ideal system (independents).
Boundaries will be divided the best possible by the founder: 6th of the last voting population would be a ward, and 4 Advocate Regions by 4 of last voting population. A map of this will be easier to set up when we reach 100 members and nominating is possible. If a constituency area would not have a min of 5 members, the founder may have to approve the Candidate or delegate to a President.
Could say a Ward membership is an election committee for electing councilors that can reflect a local liberty movement(s). At a nomination meeting for any jurisdiction, members will go to their respective riding pools and vote on a Candidate to present to the party. When the founder is not running for Mayor, another one may win nomination by winning a majority of all 10 council and advocate areas. As would a Advocate debate and Council debate leader. EBC’s site info.
ii) Who can be a Candidate: Someone who is 18+ and lived in Vancouver for more than 6 months. Party can not nominate until reaching 100 members but can show support in manner of 3rd Party endorsement of an Independent. As viewed by the Ward Chapter(s).
Who can be a Provincial Candidate. When reaching a large enough membership will Endorse-Nominate BCIP Vancouver Wide. If 75 members in a riding are not there (who can sign nomination papers) then an Independent must run.
iii) VCLA Candidate the Party needs 100 members to Endorse. No donations will be collected till when we have the required memberships for the jurisdiction, weather Municipal, Provincial or Federal campaigns (latter would require registration and Auditor; Municipal just a Financial Agent).
iv) Member Declaration: 1st time members, no charge, just need a sign declaration to Total Free Speech, Personal Property and Defense Rights, Right to be a Candidate where you live with a past record of min 100 votes in a previous Election, Right to Refuse Medical Treatment, to oppose police brutality and presumption of guilt, and smaller Government with a goal of no or little-to-no Government. At least the first 100 members of the VCLA/BCIP. When you become a declared member you also agree that all rights are for the individual, not collectives. After 100 members are reached, I (the Founder) will file papers and start taking tax deductible donations/member fees no greater than 5 bucks/year or 50/life. One can always offer non-deductible donations any time when hitting 100 members. A succor is always welcomed. Sadly each jurisdiction will require different finance and different accounts until laws adjust.
v) BCIP Leader will be selected by winning a majority vote in most affiliate local parties. (currently not an issue, we support the BC Libertarian Party now).
vi) Send your name, address, e-mail, possibly social media addresses/websites, phone, and write out and sign the declaration via snail mail to VCLA c/o 203-29 Templeton Dr, City of Vancouver, V5L 4M9.
Simply copy and paste the declaration to a text file and print it, and sign it. With the above personal information.

5. Platforms…
No platforms will disregard the member declaration issues.
No platform will support instigation of aggression.
All platforms are encouraged to be Federalist-Republican (anti-monarchist with constitutional protections of individual liberty)
Preferably ask the question what has Government done for you, vs what it does to you. Or are you getting your money’s worth?

6. Member Local Party with BCIP, will allow members to vote to join forces and memberships, and accept the Member Declaration. All else is up to them. (currently endorsing BC Libertarian Party, so currently void, join separately).

Categories About, Constitution


I will say things that may seem touchy to some who wave the flag, if your a few generations going back here, maybe you get it.
I use a few lines in the Oregon Treaty to count my birth as West of Vancouver Island and below the 49th Parallel. US Territorial.
I prefer that, as a US Constitutionalist and Libertarian above Canadian.
Not that being a New Yorker or Illinoyer would please me much now.
I love liberty, I grew up a son of a Refugee from Communism, who once went back to Hungary and got arrested for mentioning the word Democracy.
When your a Refugee, you’d expect to be in a free country and at least from Trudeau to Trudeau there has been too little of that, I’d like to be proud of this place, but I was raised knowing where we Budays came from and where we ended up.
Confidence was not fostered in me, using critical thought, and growing up seeing the Conservatives even being or becoming pinkos. Using schools to accept state authority like it’s a religion (went to state schools), using and owing or bribing the press and using CRTC muscle to propagandize.
We came from a Soviet Controlled country only to end up in one eager to learn the Communist Methods, and damn well did, given it’s Monarchistic and state funded/benfitted business (cronies) it went full fascist.
So I never got given a reason or a brain washing, that succeeded, to love this country, I was kind of stuck here.
I joined the Libertarian Party of Canada and BC wanting to make a Country I can be proud of. One that’s free, or at least enforces Dief the Chief’s Bill of Rights, the best PM and best legal Document in Canada. Something, largely ignores. If you can be proud of 1 thing in Canada, make it that Bill of Rights and demand it’s enforcement.
Maybe I can learn to love it here.
When you bring in refugees from bad places, you should be trying to impress them, their families, and actually have them, and yourselves, feel free.

Categories Free Thinking, politics

Your Two Cents


Chauvin had no business pulling this man over, with accusation of passing 20 bucks in funny money. This is a Treasury matter, not some two bit patrol issue. It was also an accusation. With a thought crime dynamic. No way to prove he knew it was funny, unless Chauvin gave him the 20 told him it was funny and entrapped him.
They had no business, pointing a fucking gun to his head. He once committed a cowardly crime against a woman, but nothing ever showed he had a pattern of challenging cops, nor men. Not even a UnPreagnant woman.
Pointing the guns, put him in a panic, I could see his fear was being alone with the cops, from the video. As for the drugs, there were blind spots in the video where they could have popped the Chinese Communist Pain Pill in his mouth.
No matter, if he was on them, and they let him go, maybe he’d have died there, and no problem. We could be uniting against the CCP not some power hungry Pigs.
They could have picked him up later, or asked him about where he got it…oh that means sending an investigator, not a mob of two bit patrol cops.
Even if there is training regarding this knee tactic, it wasn’t for 9 minutes, also if you see the sketch, the angle of the knee is different. Chauvin was a bit more direct with his pressure. My view is he hated Floyd, not what he looked like.
Chauvin killed him, with the help of his onlookers. This includes not calling an ambulance. I also do believe a Cop gets less presumptions toward innocence as a state authority with a state issued gun. It wasn’t on his own time.
Now the 27 Million.
Did his family even deserve 1 cent?
Fuck No!
Here’s the thing, starting with dear ol’ Mom. What mother raises someone who holds a gun to a pregnant woman’s head? He wasn’t guilty of that any more. It still happened, and such hate for a woman, that can only come from a poor maternal relationship.
The idea this family gave a shit about him is a joke. A strong family unit doesn’t raise people who commit felonies. Or a felony.
Short of a pattern criminal, this is true. George Floyd was not a serial offender, however.
No matter how much Steven Crowder likes to convince himself.
The family cared so much about the money, they were willing to let Chauvin get away with things because it hurts the “fair trial” end, the thing George can’t have now.
Oh, if they riot, against small private sole owned businesses and property (not “Government Property”), I say let him go and blame the rioters. Ban him from any position of authority first though, as a sentence. Blame City Hall as well.

On Minds+

Categories Police, Enforcement

Your Two Cents


Contrapoints, calls this simplistic incel possibilities, however, when if it were more complicated?
Hypospadias effects the personality in way that can range in many ways. As I think a killer will drag out what ever self justification culture will allow, and there really no justification for murdering.
However people with character problems, poor raising, and possibly even things like Hypospadias, that never got dealt with can lead to this, the dismissive concept of “incel,” may mislay actual psychological trauma that leads people to interpersonal, intimacy and sexual complications that lead to frustrations.

So this really has more to do with the “incel” label and other factors. It can be a place effects everything from people dishing out blue “sexist” humor (not a problem), self targeting jokes (great), to nasty tweets (whatever) and other misogynistic reactions (hatred of women), or suspicions of women as well.
All I could say, is maybe educate, and maybe try to understand what molds people. Even studying the more criminal elements, should have more date on birth defects.

Some Sources about Hypospadias.
Do search Hypospadias, “Hypospadias Psychology” “Hypospadias Cripple”

You can get merch about it here and support an artist/humorist who suffers of the illness as Hypospadias Cripple. Spread awareness. Some other designs here

On Minds+

Categories Urology, Hypospadias

Your Two Cents


I am largely one to blame parenting and the SIMPs themselves for being suckered into things, although in some cases I understand the appeal.
To myself, I was often surrounded by chicks in my childhood, some years more than others. Even had a Sister and a Mother. In fact much of it ones that didn’t lie to me. I figured I could always trust a woman, this became a shock in those coming of age years, and I am probably the least forgiving of the truth I think all men are entitled to.
Oddly enough the pain of lies, if I could pay for a woman’s truth that would probably get me off, of course the moment you flash cash, you give them a reason to lie. Also this has made my dick a good lie detector. In fact my emotional system.
Not to say the liar never tells a truth, but the real bad one is shrouded in those bits of truth, that is a devastating thing.
Part of why I don’t hit on anyone, I figure the truth is in the one who needs to pick me up. Also at my size, a woman may be more likely to lie when pressed.
Not fun. Not only floppy, I suddenly hate that person. No interest in hating anyone. Lies are the worst thing to me.
Now why the oddity, of my being.
People with Hypospadias can have a different thing about them, it’s a traumatizing thing from birth some less and more. It’s a matter of when it’s fixed, or if it’s fixed at all, and in my case, I am a full fledged hypospadias cripple, I mock myself and meme my own dick. My sense of humor and parenting may have got me out of an impossible situation, a thing in my condition’s case, I call rape.
See in this case, and why I think people should be out about this condition, the people being exploited by smut or hookers or Twitch Bunnies can be people with it. It’s a dreadful, harsh, lonely thing. Also with little available awareness and understanding.
I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to blame the exploiters for it, they are often in the dark as well. Largely you have a bunch of creepy limpits out there, with money they don’t deserve to have anyway, so they go broke on these vices. Not just those.
However, spreading awareness of this is important, oh yeah, there will be lowlifes who will exploit this.
How lonely is the suffering of this illness, Men’s Rights Activists don’t even care to talk about it. “More likely to die,” “More likely to go to war,” yeah well they are only ones likely to get a form of hypospadias and not all with parents who were as attentive as mine and even if they were, they could just be traumatized by nasty events as they come of age anyway.
If there was a Patriarchy, this would not be happening. The Surgical Success would be greater. Hell maybe even pre-natal cures. It certainly would be a larger conversation like breast cancer.

Promote Awareness and Help Me Out. But Merch
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Categories Urology, Hypospadias

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Also monetized on Minds+

Objectivism is more of a layer on philosophies, mostly via that noted concept of anti-altruistic support of “rational” self interest.
The thing is, all can make use of “rational” self interest. If your self interest, as was Stalin’s, is to rule over everyone with a Unilateral Gold Like Arbitrary Law, then your applying an important factor of objectivism, even with Individual Liberty, to Stalin, that’s Individual Liberty.
I ran across socialists trying to get on the ballot as a libertarian, as I say I have a right to vote for my choice, they would respond with things like “yes but I don’t have to help you.” Not unique among Liberal, NDP, and Conservatives (where I live), it was not considered into their self interest to have me on the ballot. Of course engaging their individual free will to further this.
Some people view tax and spending as a benefit to them, such of the rational self interest of “If welfare is gone, what will happen to me?” or “With welfare gone, will they pitch their tents on my land?”
Libertarians agree on the Individual Liberty concept, not always Conservatarians, they can get a bit corporate. Libertarians do not see altruism as the enemy, the concept that people will be altruistic, and this includes honest application of giving with full disclosure of the up side to them. Selfless is not evil, maybe to the point of sending yourself to the poorhouse.
If Libertarians operated on “rational” self interest they wouldn’t put so much of their own money and money making time running for office.

Categories philosophy, liberty

Your Two Cents


You don’t need signatures, fees.
You could use a requirement for 75-100 financial commitments out-of-pocket donations to finance the campaign, rather than fee or signature petition.
Require a full profile, with multiple issues/principles no less than 3 no more than 5.
Financial disclosure should be limited to people who already hold office.
No self appointed auditor, they are on your payroll, your employ. The Election Department should appoint
one when gaining warrants after proving reasonable suspicion of bribery.
Debates must be required to have those whom qualified for the ballot.
No one who show’d to have more than 100 votes in a past election should ever be required to get signatures, if this is applied.
If applied, no one’s party members may sign nomination papers.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. …
And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” — Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President
Source: November 13, 1787, letter to William S. Smith, quoted in Padover’s Jefferson On Democracy


“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”
— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President
Source: letter to John Norvell, June 11, 1807

More Quotes
One of my Jefferson Archives

Categories MSM, freedom

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Now the new one is a special case of bad, it’s putting alien (as defined originally) RNA in your body.
None the less, like smoking, I do not buy weed heads claims of health benefits, the cult of the weed is as bad as vaxxer cults.
My notion derives from our system of ingestion, the fact we eat or swallow things and our liver, stomach, et al vet everything going past it, maybe not perfect, but it has worked well for us for our entire existence.
Injections, like smoking, bypass the liver, stomach, and so on…. It goes directly into the system. You want it in your body, fine, as long as it’s informed consent.
I am not so much an anti-vaxx as much as I am pro-ingestion. The way most medicines are taken.
Another point, since Polio was exterminated, maybe more due to the vast use of soap and water, but even if you suggest it’s the vaccination, then why did no other vaccine eradicate anything?
Now it’s annual shots and boosters, well one explanation, there is more money in keeping the disease around, and keeping you hooked on their shot.

Categories Health, Free Thinking

Your Two Cents


..in fucking Pakistan. Women have no rights, Gays are illegal. WTF?
Well my guess is simple, it’s basically a money funnel. I swear the people who voted for this will get this funneled back to them. There will be no such program, except in name only, just cleaned money working it’s way back to congress persons and Senators.
Likely what happens with most of this foreign money going to places with no Free Press at all to check. AJ doesn’t count.

Categories Spending

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Domains: GolokZBuday.com Pornstitution.com Goliberty.org BCIndividualist.org ChronicErudite.com Being-Ones-Self.org Being-Ones-Self.com Being-One-Self.com GolokBuday.com Philotician.net TheVoltairian.com WorkSmartParty.org Rhinotarian.com
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