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My View On Vaccines....


Now the new one is a special case of bad, it’s putting alien (as defined originally) RNA in your body.
None the less, like smoking, I do not buy weed heads claims of health benefits, the cult of the weed is as bad as vaxxer cults.
My notion derives from our system of ingestion, the fact we eat or swallow things and our liver, stomach, et al vet everything going past it, maybe not perfect, but it has worked well for us for our entire existence.
Injections, like smoking, bypass the liver, stomach, and so on…. It goes directly into the system. You want it in your body, fine, as long as it’s informed consent.
I am not so much an anti-vaxx as much as I am pro-ingestion. The way most medicines are taken.
Another point, since Polio was exterminated, maybe more due to the vast use of soap and water, but even if you suggest it’s the vaccination, then why did no other vaccine eradicate anything?
Now it’s annual shots and boosters, well one explanation, there is more money in keeping the disease around, and keeping you hooked on their shot.

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