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Never Been Proud To Live In Canada: Refugee Family


I will say things that may seem touchy to some who wave the flag, if your a few generations going back here, maybe you get it.
I use a few lines in the Oregon Treaty to count my birth as West of Vancouver Island and below the 49th Parallel. US Territorial.
I prefer that, as a US Constitutionalist and Libertarian above Canadian.
Not that being a New Yorker or Illinoyer would please me much now.
I love liberty, I grew up a son of a Refugee from Communism, who once went back to Hungary and got arrested for mentioning the word Democracy.
When your a Refugee, you’d expect to be in a free country and at least from Trudeau to Trudeau there has been too little of that, I’d like to be proud of this place, but I was raised knowing where we Budays came from and where we ended up.
Confidence was not fostered in me, using critical thought, and growing up seeing the Conservatives even being or becoming pinkos. Using schools to accept state authority like it’s a religion (went to state schools), using and owing or bribing the press and using CRTC muscle to propagandize.
We came from a Soviet Controlled country only to end up in one eager to learn the Communist Methods, and damn well did, given it’s Monarchistic and state funded/benfitted business (cronies) it went full fascist.
So I never got given a reason or a brain washing, that succeeded, to love this country, I was kind of stuck here.
I joined the Libertarian Party of Canada and BC wanting to make a Country I can be proud of. One that’s free, or at least enforces Dief the Chief’s Bill of Rights, the best PM and best legal Document in Canada. Something, largely ignores. If you can be proud of 1 thing in Canada, make it that Bill of Rights and demand it’s enforcement.
Maybe I can learn to love it here.
When you bring in refugees from bad places, you should be trying to impress them, their families, and actually have them, and yourselves, feel free.

Categories Free Thinking, politics

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