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Derek Chauvin Is Guilty, In My View, However The Floyd Family Deserves Nothing.


Chauvin had no business pulling this man over, with accusation of passing 20 bucks in funny money. This is a Treasury matter, not some two bit patrol issue. It was also an accusation. With a thought crime dynamic. No way to prove he knew it was funny, unless Chauvin gave him the 20 told him it was funny and entrapped him.
They had no business, pointing a fucking gun to his head. He once committed a cowardly crime against a woman, but nothing ever showed he had a pattern of challenging cops, nor men. Not even a UnPreagnant woman.
Pointing the guns, put him in a panic, I could see his fear was being alone with the cops, from the video. As for the drugs, there were blind spots in the video where they could have popped the Chinese Communist Pain Pill in his mouth.
No matter, if he was on them, and they let him go, maybe he’d have died there, and no problem. We could be uniting against the CCP not some power hungry Pigs.
They could have picked him up later, or asked him about where he got it…oh that means sending an investigator, not a mob of two bit patrol cops.
Even if there is training regarding this knee tactic, it wasn’t for 9 minutes, also if you see the sketch, the angle of the knee is different. Chauvin was a bit more direct with his pressure. My view is he hated Floyd, not what he looked like.
Chauvin killed him, with the help of his onlookers. This includes not calling an ambulance. I also do believe a Cop gets less presumptions toward innocence as a state authority with a state issued gun. It wasn’t on his own time.
Now the 27 Million.
Did his family even deserve 1 cent?
Fuck No!
Here’s the thing, starting with dear ol’ Mom. What mother raises someone who holds a gun to a pregnant woman’s head? He wasn’t guilty of that any more. It still happened, and such hate for a woman, that can only come from a poor maternal relationship.
The idea this family gave a shit about him is a joke. A strong family unit doesn’t raise people who commit felonies. Or a felony.
Short of a pattern criminal, this is true. George Floyd was not a serial offender, however.
No matter how much Steven Crowder likes to convince himself.
The family cared so much about the money, they were willing to let Chauvin get away with things because it hurts the “fair trial” end, the thing George can’t have now.
Oh, if they riot, against small private sole owned businesses and property (not “Government Property”), I say let him go and blame the rioters. Ban him from any position of authority first though, as a sentence. Blame City Hall as well.

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