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Maybe COVID19 isn't Person to Person.


My thoughts maybe it’s humiliating with some in power who caught it.
Maybe like SARS 1 that spread by Roach shit in the air, it also travels by way of
arthropods. They wore masks in the plague as well, some may have seen me jokingly wearing it.
However it was discovered, you can mask up and that won’t stop the flea from biting.

So why is out of the question that bed bugs, chiggers, fleas, grass fleas, Mosquitoes, even shitting roaches spread it.
The reason I wonder this, is, a relative of mine in Abbotsford, BC he was given the COVID lay off, and he didn’t go out, nor did his family. They were completely shut out, no visitors. Total quarantine. Then he got sick.
So what could have done this?
I imagine it’s helpful to lie and say it’s human to human if it gives you power, but that throwing you weight around doesn’t cause drops in cases, much less drops in the even lower number of people who caught it, like this relative of mine.
May make sense of some nursing/care homes as well. Even in New York.

Categories Health, liberty

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