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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

A Plausible Brothel Policy


I am not really comfortable dragging in the issue, and it would be a NIMBY for my Vancouver-Hastings riding. It’s a moral confusion, but I am not interested in enforcing morality, perhaps keeping things more behind closed doors. But some things can be done.

Some points on liberalizing the fluid swap trade. The best way possible now.

- Crowned Land in outskirt rural areas could be sold to potential owners under a contract regarding health checks and requiring all information, including dangers of employment, be known in contracts (all jobs should have this really, anywhere) a “you knew the job was dangerous when you took it,” type clauses. An ethics clause, rather than a morals clause.
- It would exist as business territory so for a voting life, a nearby town residence should be required even if the job is somewhat “live in.” Such a thing should be included in employment contracts too.
- It should be clearly labeled location.
- No barbed wire fences.
- No basic human rights of faith, speech and all that can be violated here, but some people shouldn’t show up and be offended by what they see, you know where you are.
- No ATMs or Tabs (Casinos should have similar rules) or banking or any usury at all.
- No Strip Clubs (in these areas).
- They should be right in requiring a recent customer blood test.
- No one should be shut from outside communication with anyone

I don’t like the issue, but it’s going to come up. Now here’s a few points on it.

Categories buday4hastings, liberty

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