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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Slightly Mocking: NDP Must Forfeit.


I do this tongue and cheek, but it’s more real to the NDP and Niki Sharma than myself, even Greens and Burns.
I am a Ethnic (Magyar) Minority, Got the “Funniest” Real Name, Bisexual, A Struggling Artist/Entertainer, Disabled Physically at Birth with Botched Surgery leaving it currently life time sentence (Hypospadias Cripple), Also Learning Disabled, later Physically Disabled by Police Brutality and some Learning Disabilities started regressing since Psychiatric Abuses at VGH (Police can’t take abused law abiding citizens to jail/court). Lets just say, I have to save to make the ballot entry deposit and a little for campaign funds. Not rich, renter.
According the NDP, Green, maybe Liberal Social Justice boot licking and belief in “Equity” (like the Communist as well), I have to win.
Libertarian’s other possible situations would be Dominique Paynter in Buranby-Lougheed and maybe Sandra, but there’s a lot of anti-Semitism in Woke rules, in Fairview.
Just pointing out how true belief in those rules of theirs puts them in a corner where they may have to step down and endorse a Libertarian who doesn’t believe as they do, or they can change, but then they are back having to endorse us. Catch 22 of Woke.
They won’t even debate us.

Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Social Justice, buday4hastings

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