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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

No Free Pills, Freedom To Choose Plan B.


Pills are regimental, and lets face it, what a person needs in a post screw or post rape situation is Plan B, the Morning After Pill. Should be in Rape Kits, also should be available on shelves like ASA tablets. The NDP are off the mark trying to bribe women with free pills. Progesterone is dangerous on a regiment, compared to a 1 time post coitus pill. No worries about asking a Pharmacist, it’s as equal as getting a Condom this way.
Some people think life begins at fertilization, it actually requires the egg to hit the uterine wall, and this pill engages before that happens, if you want to see surgical abortions fazed out, this is good for you as well. Less Government and Less Abortion.

Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Spending, Free Enterprize

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