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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Papers Are Filed. Thanks to all who made Ballot Access Possible.


Not just for me, but other “out of the box” possibilities with limited membership vowing for a ballot spot.
Barring the astronomical, I will be on the ballot, it’s out of my hands.
Kudos to the hard working, limited in team, Vancouver-Hastings Election Officers.
Also special thanks to Karin Litzcke, who I expect will be fighting for liberty in Vancouver-Kingsway. If your out their help her if you can. We aren’t divided into Libertarian and PPC right now.

It’ll be nice to have, not just a person, but a Party to vote for. They claim there is a 31% undecided, well share you concerns our way, where we sit on the ballot. We’d be wonderful opposition MLAs.

If your in Hastings-Sunrise, you might even see me, be careful when approaching with the dog, some times he’s in a jumpy move, but wave, and ask me anything. I am around, I put out the bins at my building. I am with the Grass Roots. Really a 250 filling fee was actually painful to me. I am not taking this lightly.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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