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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Need the Nominators....


It’s very important I get signatures, or nominators, fullnames/addresses on the petition so I can get on the ballot in Vancouver-Hastings where I live and vote. You can message, email, or phone the info without physical signature. If you know people here, pass the info to them. If you want me to come by and visit after I filed the papers add it. My voice mail is garbage, just try later. #bcpoli #bcelxn2020 #BCElection2020 #ballotchoice #ballotaccess Contact

In your message, or Oral Nomination (Ballot Access aid), you need to say the formal: “I nominate, Gölök Z Buday, in Vancouver-Hastings as a Candidate for Election as a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA). I declare myself a qualified voter for this Electoral District, and have not and will not, nominate another Individual In this election.

Crazy. I know. Pat yourself on the back no matter how you sign.

In turn you have a right to know I am a BC Libertarian (Affirmed by CA) and at 203-29 Templeton Dr.
You can set up a meeting at my building, but it’s important to get these nomination forms done ASAP.
If you want to collect signatures for me, please request my permission, seems that is the rule. I won’t say you didn’t have permission unlless you rubbed people the wrong way, go to aggressive, I’d never approve that. But a good sales pitch is “Help ballot choice in this election by helping your neighbor get on the ballot.” He votes here as well.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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Domains and all original work are copyright and intellectual property of Gölök Z Buday Forever. Share Headlines and Images, Unedited Freely On Social Media, not whole stories. Everything must be acredited.
Domains: vanhastings.GZLFB.com vanhastings.GolokZBuday.com vanhastings.Pornstitution.com vanhastings.Goliberty.org vanhastings.BCIndividualist.org vanhastings.ChronicErudite.com vanhastings.Being-Ones-Self.org vanhastings.GolokBuday.com vanhastings.Philotician.net vanhastings.TheVoltarian.com vanhastings.WorkSmartParty.org vanhastings.EastVanLibertarian.com vanhastings.VanEastLibertarian.com