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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Got To Hit The Issues: Gölök Z Buday for Vancouver-Hastings


No Forced Masks!
No Lock Downs! The Private Sector Is Essential!
No Forced Medical Treatment! Psychiatric, Shots, Conversion “Therapy,” Child Transitions, etc….
No Censorship!
No Coddling Sexual Predators!
Defund Beat, Car 87/Wellness Check, and Patrol Police. Not Investigators.
Social Programs, won’t be voting removal for current generations over 18.
I support Ending Taxes on all Individuals in all Forms. All Income taxes on Corporations to be replaced with a per-sale single digit tax, as they are collectives, I can live with that. This would count to sale of goods, services, stock, anything.
Less Government, cut everything, Private Sectors are essential, too many Government employees are not.
Smaller Government is a cleaner Government. Add more civil servants, you add more lights, add more paper, add more computers using more power, removing them reverses this.
I support Due Process.
I support taking our challenges to monopolies like ICBC and even the Cushman Wakefield Development Investment schemes.
BC Comes before Canada. My constituency comes before BC.
The Police Act has to be changed to outlaw Stop and Frisk, in any name or form. No knock warrants. We need someone tougher on police brutality, that’s me. In 1996 I said, “The Only Thing Worse Than A Criminal Is A Cop Who Is A Criminal.”
Deregulate and remove any existing drug laws, while making ODs responsible for their health care.
China should be made responsible for the Fentanyl their pinko country flood Vancouver with.
School Choice, money follows the Student, not the Civil Service.
We need to adapt the Park Act to try and make it safer for the Boat Dwellers who aren’t harming anyone.
Check more, gradually, as things come up.

Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Ballot Access, buday4hastings

Your Two Cents

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