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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

Some Early Announcements: Work To Be Done.


I am not bogged down by state hysterics about COVID, although not big on hugging and do wash my hands, so moderation of distancing is sane to me. I am Germaphobe who is more Statephobic than Germaphobic.
Anyhow, nominations or ballot access will be harder, I will try to put stuff aside to have the filing fee. As usual. I will also need all supporters and voters of me in the past to let me know them, or just ballot access supporters in the past to let me know of you, so I can praise you and also get my signatures. 75-100 Provincially.
Although if someone supports ballot access and would like to make a court issue, especially with COVID19, be my guess.
The Major Parties, and our incumbent have it easy, they are in a class of their own and do not want more competition, they blatantly oppose ballot access for anyone but themselves, as do their parties, I speak of the NDP, Liberals, and Greens who all could have changed things by now.
Federally: NDP, Liberals, Cons, PQ, and Greens. Anyway, lets make sure to show them, they can’t tell us that we can’t vote for anyone we want, they definitely want to tell me, a 21 year Vancouver-Hastings resident I can’t.
If your rational self interest says, “I have someone to vote for.” Your an Objectivist, congrats, and if you claim you don’t like Ayn Rand, you may rethink that idea. If you do, I am not totally on ball with Objectivism, but the closest you’ll get.

For Individual LIberty! Get your updates here. Also on Orbys.net, Gab.com, Minds as TheBlackJester, or Twitter on HaveABJ and if you look to the side you’ll see the FB Page.

Categories liberty, buday4hastings

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