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Current West And Gabor Kun's Hungary


With Soviet Union, think People’s Republic of China (hell even domestic federal Governments). With Kun’s Hungary, think our current era.

Gabor Kun and the ruling class of Hungary (Blue Bloods included) had a way to sort-of snooker the Soviet Union against invasion and maintain their positions.
When ever they caught on, Kun would get a little more heavy handed, this is how the soft serve early Hungarian Communism moved along. He even went too far, at a point, where it caused the original unrest, even with Blue Bloods, it may have ended Communism there had the Romanians minded their own business and the Trianon lot. Triggered a push back on the foreign devils.
No matter the soft appeasement didn’t remain enough, Kun had to prove he could get tough, which is a bad idea with Magyars. Much like what seems to happen with appeasement of China in the modern day.
Basically people try to conquer their own softer to avoid a rougher game following a big war.
As one of those blue blooded lines, eventually they come for that “protected upper class,” and all the title and land is lost, the gulags open and all the pragmatism is payed off in full by the pragmatic.

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