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Nomination Reform Draft.


Petition to the House of Commons
People Who Get 100 Votes Shouldn’t Collect Signatures.
Financial Rules Aren’t Helpful.
Rules Help Established Politicians.

We, the undersigned, Gölök Z Buday, call upon the House of Commons to make changes to the Election Act to change signature rules for Candidates. Requiring 100 Signatures or a more reliable past of 100 or more votes in a past Election in ED or City Election where the ED once sat, if they’re party have 5% or less (incl. no) seats in the House or Independent. Above 5% 300 votes in past or signatures. Can be nominated by endorsed member who had these votes if not running. Disclosure rules for sitting House members only. No one bribes losers. No Candidate, Party appointed auditor. Candidates must be responsible for donations. Donations must come from their voting public. No fees. Full Profile, picture, 3 issues listed, contact info, Social Media, 1 alt-tech presense or website required.


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