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E-Mail To The VPD and RCMP: Shutting Down Church and Party.


To: bcrcmp(at)rcmp-grc.gc.ca,vpd(at)vpd.ca
Subject: Stopping Church Service, Family Celebration, Peaceful Protest, violates criminal law.
X-Attachments: D:\pics\bcind\CriminalLawLockdown.jpg


Every fine, criminal, every cop offering one is a criminal.
Do something about this. Dix,Henry, and Farnworth is a criminal for ordering it.
Mayors as well if they order them.

You enforce laws, not edicts. The Minister laid out a criminally illegal edict.
No laws were made by free votes in a legislature.
On top of that, either way, even if a law, it “disturbs and interrupts assemblage of persons met for religious worship
or a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction.
Even counts for Car87s and Wellness Checks.

Enforcing this. Complaints against Police can be bad for credit ratings, I learned.

Maybe people will have lawyers at a Christmas Party. You never know.


Gölök Zoltán Buday

Categories Enforcement

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