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Problems with World Cup Ties: ...




When 3 Teams never tie, and started out with no ties, and one in the finals starts with a tie, there is trouble. In a sense France winning was karma to a bad system, yes Croatia is a fundamentally good team, but that is not the point. France, Sweeden, and Belguim started elimination as eliminators and Sweeden only lost to a tie penalty kick technicality winner (granted they should be ashamed).
This sort of reminds me of bad school systems automatically passing perpetual failures. Or handing our participation awards. There is a skill to Goal, I am biased to Goalies, and to a good strike. But it is not the whole thing we call the beautiful game. In my view all teams who tie, lose. Not team that ties should be able to contend to win a medal like the eliminated in actual play.
I never liked this, not even in my favor (although rarely did Oranje win Penalties, but once I saw it).
This is what needs to happen, a tie has to = an elimination.
Now yeah that would leave 3 perhaps. But so be it, makes it easy. Just follow with differential – yellow cards) Or perhaps all three play each other once. You’d have to win over two legs. Another 3-1-0 situation, and the top two fight a final (two legs). It should be possible to even not reward a cup if a tie occurs if they don’t go by vote differential – yellow card formulas.
Below shows the stats. Another issue, if you have a direct shot penalty or in-the-box penalty, it can’t be a hand ball, it has got to be a Red Card penalty. Which includes a Goalie Penalty, a thing so rare that should only be a red.
Below lists some stats.
If you just did differential with those three it would be 1. France 2. Belguim 3. Sweeden.

Russia – Spain Tied (Both Lost) – Elim
Croatia – Denmark Tied (Both Lost – Elim, granted the Goalie should not have been allowed to block one penalty given to the Croatian when he already passed into an open net zone. Should have just counted the Goal that would have been)
Sweeden 1 – 0 Suiss
Columbia tied England. (Both Lost – Elim)
England Beat Sweeden 1 -0
Russia tied Croatia
Croatia beat England 2-1

Uruguay beat Porto 2-1
France Beat Argent 4-3
Brasil beat Mexico 2-0
Belguim beat Japan 3-2
France beat Uru 2-0
Belguim beat Belguim 2-1
France Beat Belguim 1-0

Wins (in row)
Uruguay 1 Win (1 Dif)
Sweeden 1 Win (1 Dif – Deprived)
France (4 Dif) + 2 added on Final.
Brasil (2 Dif)
Belguim (2 Dif)

Wins (Over All with Differentials, Ties already listed)
Uruguay 1 Win (1 Dif)
Sweeden 1 Win (1 Dif – Deprived)
France (4 Dif) + 2 added on Final.
Brasil (2 Dif)
Belguim (2 Dif)
Croatia (1 Dif)
England (2 DIf)

Categories World Cup, Football

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