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My Comments to Mayor and Council On The Budget.


“That budget was a farce, I think Weibe was in conflict while he was spending money on stuff my family had no party in. Nor my property owning Chinese aunt who gets a 5% increase to pay for it. Just so he can grand stand on virtue signals. Maybe the people who want to pay civil servants to offer natives “a gift in their name of…” they should pucker up and pay for it. Everyone else pays for their self imposed guilt. I heard nothing of wide range of cuts. Including Arts and Culture, I love it, but pay for it yourself. Be a patron as individuals. It mostly filters through civil servants and quango boards anyway.
Police cuts, only good thing, but not enough on it’s own, also doesn’t focus ear marking of police funds to investigation. You can’t prevent crimes or self harm. They claim libertarians are in a fantasy Utopia, you Government worshipers are in one of your own. I am sure it’s euphoric, but it hurts more than helps. Why is the staff writing budgets that benefit them and themselves anyway? What is the Mayor elected for?
City Hall wasted too much money and good will on Furniture. Maybe remember this heading into 2020. (Public Comment)

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