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Correlation is not causation: COVID19


Is it right to close down, was it right, to, based on correlation to shut down the fiscal structure of our semi, sadly largely crony or disaster, Capitalist system?
Is this not like being Andrew Scheer or some other far right Politicians banning anal sex or anything the tie to the LGBT based on their views and collation of virus as their justification?
Did they open their door to the far right religious fanatics?
Like with stop and frisk, “well the stats say more of them are…..” is negating that individuals, most, or all are doing something, and there for rash action is justified.
Or self justified.
Correlation is not causation, just because it levels out and some people followed z’orders and quarantined or distanced themselves does not prove causation. There is no way to prove causation.
Lies, More Lies and Statistics, as Mark Twain quoted Disraeli.
Open the economy, end the shutdown or what ever you like to officially call it.

Categories liberty, freedom

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