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Race, Color and Presumptions (U4a)


Something I learned when my maternal, Western European contribution to my DNA (Mother is from Amsterdam) confirmed for me. I, according to FTDNA, am U4a MTDNA. The oldest known ancestor is a black woman oddly named Cheddar Man, not just oddly from the “man” but the use of Cheese in the name. My mother being a born cheese head or born to a cheese head country.
So not sure, I guess it makes that half, what, black? Even know the mutations and mixes over time.
A lot of U4as I have seen would not have predicted this, nor would one day anyone expect to unearth Cheddar Man in England, but they say Elephants and Hippos were there once as well, so why not, got to cold, they went south, they of Albion.
But the point that you can easily not know what your original family skin color comes true. Even more true with YDNA, where many Haplos are inconclusive at the end, because very few do the “Big Y” as participants, even less so in less “white” cultures, and YDNA doesn’t preserve very well, can’t get it from bone.
Fore-go Aut-DNA, it’s highly limited.


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