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Kick Lawyers Out Of Congress: No More Law Making


If you live in a place, that at least separates legal from lawmaking branches, you may understand the idea. Lawyers writing laws?
Are you worried about Corporations and the rich? Really? Your not worrying about lawyers writing laws to benefit themselves?
Even tax law, may include a accountant lobby (progressive taxes), but there are lawyers involved as well, if you want to work a bankrupsy into a scheme where you never pay taxes.
Even if they don’t practice, they are or were on the bar, their buddies benefit as well, their class mates from college.
Lawyers are as dangerous as letting civil servants (exec branch) near the law making process, and no less dangerous than a corporation.
Oh guess what you know what unions and corporations and even fucking celebrities have that you don’t? Armies of Lawyers, you know what else, an in with the the fucking lawyers who write their self serving law practice welfare, called laws.

Categories philotician, liberty

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