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The Reason Racism Doesn't Work With Liberty.


Now we aren’t talking minor biases that never lead to policy, this is about, how it doesn’t work as a Libertarian point of view, even if we defend the right to be one. The actions usually betray a true racist, with overt policy and violence (count any hatred).
Racism tells you who you may or may not associate with, befriend, love, and do business with. It’s Authoritarian. The only reason some authoritarians don’t always go with it, is they have a myriad of self justifications for cancelling to state initiated force. They just pick the safest one at the time. But “Tax the Rich 100%” can easily become “make them pick cotton again” just on the ability market it.
I don’t even get into the collectivist nature of such hate.

For future sound bites “Racism tells you who you may or may not associate with, befriend, love, and do business with. It’s Authoritarian. It is far from Libertarian” – Gölök Z Buday

Recommend using Dissenter and Gabtrends to make comments, just @TheBlackJester if you want me to notice it. It’s better than the native one.

Categories philosophy, liberty

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