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Absconding Archives


I writing a warning about an attempt of either real communists or pseudo-communist Scientology types trying to exploit those who suffered “forced treatment.” The worst thing is the offensive idea that any of us or anyone can steal their own freedom.
Yes, they believe we “steal out freedom,” by rejecting or “escaping” the clutches of forced treatment.
They also started their e-mail with Comrade. Now to a guy who’s father was a refugee of 1956 it’s basically an slur. But I’ll leave that alone.
The use of the criminal justice term of fugitive, “Absconding” and “Absconder” to describe any of us survivors of forced treatment is an absolute offense as well, I have no idea what they were thinking.
No matter I should warn about these people, they e-mailed me recently.

Categories MindFreedom, vancouver

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