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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign

COPE, Vision Vancouver and NPA Hate Cripples; BCNDP and BCLiberals as well.: Nomination Discrimination and General Fascism Since 2008.


Not into the victim culture, but my knee has never been worse, and when it was less painful even made the ballot twice since the Election Bylaw of 2008. Frankly I see it as a conflict of interest vote by the NPA, COPE, and VISION to prevent as many real independents as possible. People without special interest groups and parties behind them.
I was a law abiding citizen when I got my bad knee, from the Vancouver Police Officers who had no right being in my apartment, no warrant, and yes they needed it. This was in 2001.
The pain I feel never lets me forget it, and seeing is I consume much focus and mental power to controlling my power and anger as well as not screaming. It takes away from petitioning for signatures long term.
As it is I forced myself through a many a km, and not bearing much fruit, most nearby at the end of the huge trip.
Some people I know. I am polite person so I prefer it’s volunteered, I feel it is rude to force and get in someone’s face, knock on a door, ruin someone’s fun and some people are so absorbed into iPads, Pods and other devices as well as cigarettes.
It s slows things down a lot, and gets scary.
I am sure I will slide through, but it shouldn’t be this hard. 2 signatures, 1 to nominate, 1 to 2nd is the tradition in all forms of electoral system going back to the Roman Forum, and nothing funny is happening on the way to City Hall.
A person runs, they endorsed themselves, they want to vote for themselves, and in being deprived the right to vote for them self, then they are deprived to vote for whom ever they want to. This is a fact of what the lack nomination reform does, or nomination system correction.
I’ve had over 200 votes before, more than 25 signatures, this counts for nothing. Never had less than 25 votes, not even in 1996.
To say it’s easier than campaigning is wrong too. Since I have done both. Gabby Kalaw said it was like sales, and he was a helpful wing man at one point for it, but my problem is this, when you sell something, someone come into the shop. Weather it’s campaign HQ, they contacting you, reading your social media or website, going to debates, reporters reporting, readers reading the report or commentator in print or video/tv. In all those cases it is easier, because when you campaign, people want the info, they want to hear from you, and your there to take the time to impart info when they need it.
Basically petitioning is a bit aggressive (and hard on the Non-aggressive principle types like libertarians) and campaigning is showing a person a car in the show room.
But this is beside the point, in order to keep non-partisans (real ones, not using it as a party name) out of the picture, the three parties in 2008’s council conflicted their interests and vote 100% with the Mayor to prevent competition and deny people their right to vote for who they want to without permission by 25 voters or presumable voters.
More so, because it is harder, to deny cripples without contacts to make it easy, without help, cars, and so on. No busing it does not help.
Oh and the BC NDP and BC Liberals helped them do it, and aren’t taking it away from them.
If someone wants to help make it easier on me (sadly I may not get it in on the first filing day, I prefer to), do contact my useless cripple ass. God knows why it’s made harder to be on the ballot than run or even do the job, the job has a damn desk.

Categories Disabled, Ballot Access

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