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Vancouver-East Campaign - Vancouver-Hastings Campaign


Simple Formulation.

174,800 X (Renter or Leaser/Rooms) + Occupies Sq Footage – Homeless Populations – Minimum Wage Employment – People below poverty level if unemployed by hour/contract or disabled. Excluding Students Under the Age 20 + Average Charitable Donations In City Wide x Charitable Donations Made personally to local charities (not fundraising or politics) + 100 bucks per on site artwork or decor + Small Businesses Not In The Red (Open Permits) – Government Employees.

/ = Divide.

Categories Taxes, Housing

Your Two Cents


Instead of a broad stroke and treating every individual in a big house like a low life parasite, or without the hyperbole, unearned. It doesn’t hurt, if one, all new money be exempt from taxes in return for the use of an Old Money tax, you could target more than just mansions, but broad old money.
It’s usually accepted that one’s parent’s accomplishments aren’t also yours. So boosting the burden on to those who merely inherited something, that go down a lot easier, than if you want to pillage some guy worked his ass off for an easier life.
I am shocked such policies weren’t thought out better to even get a better word out of it from myself. But as usual I stuck thinking things through rationally alone, rather than on some dogmatic quest to hate people on the envy of monetary success.
I am also a known anti-monarchist as well as a libertarian, and I don’t find it an absolute right to have an inheritance. I wouldn’t tithe it 100% and also possible the less miserly contribute to society and actually earn additional, but that’s a side line.
I guess anything led by someone with the privilege of anyone who’d get a Order of Canada reward would have links to old money, and likely would avoid this argument. Which is a shame.
It’s shame that business equalization never fell hard on a Corporate Welfare and Bailout tax to take the advantage endowed by other Governments who largely pillage the locals and send most, if not all, redistribution to Ontario and Montreal.
I’d like to say it’s the mindless socialist, but usually they all end up being some old money bunch, benefiting from generations of privilege.
Now why would they want to tax new money then? Oh yeah, the old resentment of someone useful in life building themselves up and showing a greatness in human potential as they suck on trust funds and crap like that all their life.

Categories liberty, Taxes

Your Two Cents


Being a business each rent payment can be deemed a sale, and each rent payment would then send 2% of each rent on Agreement, rather than arguable theft. This means no one is taking people are just honoring a business contract with the City. They benefit from the market, and kick back to the City a small commission. City being responsible to fix roads, and provide other services. Even this could be based on a choice division, on where the money goes by the contracted partner.
All property tax could be waved on these properties being rented out. Businesses can benefit, and also shoot up revenues this way as well. Since there is no property tax to pump into their rent. No tax at all to pump into their rent. Such a benefit of no property tax payments and simplicity of the permit system can make it much more happy for people to produce businesses and rental housing. Both short and long. High and low cost.
No suites, rooms, end up illegal either. This revenue could make debt payments also much more effective, if it is as successful as I can expect it to be. No restraints by the presumptive Property Use/Maintenance Bylaws and less red tape and ink for the Rental Property owner.

Categories Free Enterprize, Taxes

Your Two Cents


Yes it’s retarded, the whole city is retarded, in this I mean the literal meaning.
Land Use and Development are pretty oppressive and doesn’t hold respect for the schooling and requirements architects, building artists, go through to know the best ways to build a solid good looking structure, or even renovate one.
Land Use and Maintenance just building single rooms have huge conversion and demolition fees, in fact in 2015 they shot up the price big time. We are talking per room, not project either.
As for Maintenance, if you lived in places I had to, you know no one took a serious shot at enforcing basic rules, and this has lead to apartments that might as well be labeled bio hazards. Not that maybe we have something to enforce when complaints are made, through due process, but there is little use, with little ability for a city to set any meaningful criminal code for a due process against alleged slum lords.
Hell with those per-room fees. You couldn’t just renovate them nice either way without being charged up the ass. At certain level renovation is the only thing other than total gentrification.
The huge Zoning and Development paper is just riddled with aggressive attitudes about how you handle your property making up a need for red tape and several damn classifications, more than one should reasonably have to know. This is how planning departments make excuses for endless consultants. A huge costly bully tactic. It’s where you largely discover if your suites are illegal for some reason. Or business, if anyone remembers Drew Carey and Buzz Beer, for example. A little of TV Cleveland in Vancouver.
It’s also the most frequently changed bylaws. If ignorance was an excuse, it would be Government’s fault for over regulating us. How would you know your breaking the law anymore? It’s like we all need lawyers on a 24/7 Payroll. Perhaps it’s the deal, when we Elect so many lawyers over time.
License Bylaw is riddled with oppressive nonsense requiring licenses for everything even if your not Wielding a cutting tool, those Licenses are from a private organizations usually. Such as the AMA. Not sure why the Degrees aren’t Licenses for that some time, repeal their degree if things go wrong.
Things from Auctions and Arcades, to Backyard Parking and Banker and Bank Machine. Lets also be clear, “a permit to do business” is not a License to do a specific job or Educational Qualification that you may check a wall for or do an internet search for, if it’s important.
None of this requires proof of violating anyone with any job before hand, it’s pre-emptive punishment for something no one did yet. Did anyone hurt you by renting their garage to someone? For any reason?
Technically most Candidates were unlicensed Canvassers collecting signatures for the Election Bylaw.
This also goes on for ever, just definitions alone. It’s bloody crazy.
Every little thing we do in our god damn lives practically needs a special license. If people cause harm, it should be up to the Government(s) to prove and punish after. There is no Crystal Ball. Just Arbitrary State Aggression.
There is a whole separate thing for Pawn Shops, and a EB Games/Gamestop in Vancouver is Governed like one, even know it sells mostly new goods. Either way, prove someone sold stolen material, why assume a person trying to benefit from spring cleaning is a thief? When so few people generally are.
It is almost safer to be a hoarder, in that sense.
This is just small example of huge blocks to wages, business, and decent charitable activity. Haven’t even gotten near the other levels, and they are no friendly bunch either. There is a huge need for Sunset Clauses, it at least limits all laws, bylaws by time, requiring renewal.
We need a revolutionary Election in 2018.

Categories Homelessness, Housing

Your Two Cents


I am opposed to any censorship, and you might notice there are ways I can help arts venues by staying out of the way, by making Government stay out of the way.
Government can’t fund every artist, every venue, and it usually means collecting taxes for A, B, C…well claiming that they are collected for such reasons, then filtering it through the red tape machine.
Frankly no one could guarantee all self professed artists and all speech and expression can not be afforded a grant or funding, therefore no one should.
It is censorship for some Government or quangos to decide who gets taxpayer’s money and who doesn’t. Who’s speech is judged worth funding, and who’s isn’t.
Art is important to me, it is a family thing. Me, my parents, their parents and uncles and so on have been in the arts and sciences and humanities.
Even know I am a snob for Bach, I won’t take money from a Diddy fan for Bach, or the other way around.
Government and it’s quangos are just giant philistines.
Let the individual buy their idea of art and their idea of fun with greater expendable income through lower tax, and enjoy yourselves your way.

Categories Arts, Freespeech

Your Two Cents


I sort of show “handicapability” of handling the Mayor’s office in my way of dealing with the press at their worst, see my #hypospadias posts, I was headed into a surgical procedure for a 40 year old problem, and I get the biv news guy subtly lecturing me about “offensive language,” about boozing and how people have “rough childhoods.” Assuming mine was just fine.
I was in waiting of an operation theatre for my Childhood curse. His own assertion and arrogance was offensive, but see how I handle it
Given less had Mike Hansen send out death threats, and I wasn’t invited without asking first (the others naturally were). It was a good experience all-in-all, the lady, and as an accused misogynist myself, I can say she was a pro, without anything on her mind but engage and question without personal investment.
It is true, something will always offend, it’s not for me or anyone to protect me or anyone from it.
Got to suck things up.

Categories Disabled, Freespeech

Your Two Cents


I do notice a racialist effect on myself, and easier because I am so mixed people will just use some obvious factors as cover. Magyars blend in to a surrounding culture rather well especially with a regionally acceptable mate.
Even to some extent old anti-Catholocism can play a part. Even know I am anti-Jesuit and even if I did take Papal orders, it wouldn’t be from this guy. But at least Kennedy (by birthday shared notable) was at least openly asked.
My people, didn’t come from the Caucus ancestry, and I had a Han Chinese Skin Disease I was as surprised as my Chinese dermatologist. Since I figured we reached back to Sumer, but it still likely.
Our sort moved about a bit.
I am no insider, in fact not old money WASP. I wouldn’t be allowed inside even if I got my family title back (Count, Pre-1956, father lost it at 2).
My father is always insisted “we are white,” his only real fear is being caught in a race war and whites winning and knowing he doesn’t stem directly by a Y gene to the “whites” or Caucus people or WASPS.
Although he never hides that he’s a Papist. I guess he figures there are enough strikes against him.
Easy for him, he at least has blonde hair.
I am strangely named, even for Magyars, and swarthier. Dark eyes and hair.
I was sitting with 4 people at the petition period, and Jamie Lee Hamilton let it out, that she figured my name for Indian (East).
I mean fuck, if this is a common view. I find it hard to doubt the card is playable. But as a libertarian, I hate to cast blame like this. Another weakness, they can use racism against me, knowing my dilemma.
Carry Welder once referred to her features as being thought as “Jewish,” I instantly wondered if I was thought of this because of that too. Granted Abraham was from Sumer(aria).
But that may be a little more comical than the issue as a whole, I can’t deny racism falls in place for the real reason I am dismissed. A racism easier to get away with.
In a very WASP city, Victoria and Vancouver might be the most WASP like cities with stuffy old money control, especially in the press. When I see myself in the Glacier debate, I realize that even Chen and Sim play it more in a way that some would call “Banana,” to satisfy Anglo Saxon Old Money extremes. Plus concessions must be made to maintain a party base.
They have the inside line, under the “Hey Boy” scenario, all do respect to Paladin (fiction used in point) who treated the guy right for the times, now he’d be a dick..
So yes, racism and keeping out outsiders for Western European Old Money, is live and well in the Big Cities of Vancouver. I can’t deny it. I felt it.

Categories Corruption, Racism

Your Two Cents


The Press, with pollsters, build a wall for Outsiders to help elect their Insider friends, by dismissing real independents who are not part of the establishment. So the same problems persist and even get worse. It isn’t a free press, they are the slave of the Insiders.
Maybe they can be woken up if people contact them in a civil manner.
Glacier Media is better than most but I still had to work harder at getting included in all that, than lets say insider.
I will admit an WASP bias among the press, especially if your mixed enough not to look ethnic, but my name is another story. Maybe resenting I left a bisexual rumor, a rumor and refused to exploit it to my advantage, it seems preferred to make such things a fun side show.
I even worked harder to get on the ballot, without any ease help, and plenty of crippling with no cars or anything, lots of walking, climbing and nearly dead after to be on the ballot and have the right to vote for who I want to, for starters, an outsider libertarian (non-Koch Brother type).

Avoid threats though, I’d hate to think I attract any violent Zealots, express how you feel in the most civil terms,I really think they want to be a legit Free Press. Debates also fall into this problem. As I said, without extra hard work, an outsider isn’t getting in.


There might be more addresses. No press man has to kiss my ass, but dismissal is a threat to ending the status quo. Also tell all your friends, word of mouth is good, e-mail my printable or e-mailable flyer, send them the article permalinks you like best, or the site, spread the word to people on the streets, in conversation. That is better than big spending, especially since most of the press haven’t earned advertising from me. Something that comes from my respect. Encourage others to join the word of mouth and sharing and rt campaign.

Categories Corruption, MSM

Your Two Cents


Demand Council Repeal: The Empty Homes Tax is also known as the Vacancy Tax and is imposed under the Vacancy Tax Bylaw No. 11674.
All it does is add overhead, you want someone to do things with their property, tie land value to how productive their property is.
I support ending the home owner grant, it’s needless pencil pushing if you cut property tax.

This is the tax that is applied to my rent, it has to be, don’t blame the kind land lord, no she is, it happens you know, trust the individual…..an average 1br Strata Unit.
BC ASSESSMENT 1 376,000.00 0.00004147 1.00000000 15.59
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 376,000.00 0.00124393 1.00000000 467.72
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 376,000.00 0.00000021 1.00000000 0.08
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 376,000.00 0.00004353 1.00000000 16.37
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 376,000.00 0.00092146 1.00000000 346.47
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 376,000.00 0.00021766 1.00000000 81.84
Notice Total: 928.07

2018 Advance Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
ADVANCE LEVY 1.00 0.50000000 1.00000000 443.00
Advance Notice Total: 443.00

2017 Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
BC ASSESSMENT 1 347,000.00 0.00004462 1.00000000 15.48
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 347,000.00 0.00126093 1.00000000 437.54
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 347,000.00 0.00000021 1.00000000 0.07
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 347,000.00 0.00004256 1.00000000 14.77
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 347,000.00 0.00098007 1.00000000 340.08
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 347,000.00 0.00022650 1.00000000 78.60
Notice Total: 886.54

2017 Advance Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
ADVANCE LEVY 1.00 0.50000000 1.00000000 434.00
Advance Notice Total: 434.00
2016 Property Tax Levy Details
Levy Class Taxable Value Rate Prorate Factor Amount
BC ASSESSMENT 1 274,000.00 0.00005534 1.00000000 15.16
CITY OF VANCOUVER GENERAL 1 274,000.00 0.00156168 1.00000000 427.90
MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY 1 274,000.00 0.00000020 1.00000000 0.05
REGIONAL DISTRICT 1 274,000.00 0.00005112 1.00000000 14.01
SCHOOLRESIDENTIAL 1 274,000.00 0.00120852 1.00000000 331.13
TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 274,000.00 0.00028881 1.00000000 79.13
Notice Total: 867.38

0.1% on the Property Value would drop this to 360, removing itemized aspects and allowing the taxpayer to pay the departments and services they want to with the bill, give them power over this redistribution scheme.

1,234.00 (10 Units) is what the Strata Paid on Utilities and that is split on units owners and they pay it via rent income or without it. This is on top of taxes for Schools no one in my unit uses.

Flat Service Charges Units Start Date Stop Date
U STREET CLEANING 10 Jan 01, 2017
U WEEKLYGARBAGE CART 240L 2 Jan 01, 2014
U GREEN BIN 180L 1 Jun 07, 2006
U ANNUAL FIRELINE- (150MM) 1 Jan 01, 2006

*Water and Sewer is metered.

They didn’t Street Clean, they never fix the Street outside 29 Templeton Dr
So people can pay of min. nearly 900 bucks, imagine the Penthouse, and still the Strata gets charged all that as well. But that also goes to the taxpayer through Strata fees. Largely to fund useless communication projects and a building of broken promises on West 12th, CUPEs Piggy Bank.
This is not affordable. The tax that makes affordability unaffordable. I won’t say how much, but I am not a huge profit margin. You notice they tax for schools, isn’t that a school tax, but it doesn’t go to the schools or school choice, it filters through City Hall centrally.

Categories Taxes, freedom

Your Two Cents


Parking can be used a simple way to make it possible for private citizens to build housing or fund other charitable functions. Even Schools, Libraries, and Art related venues.
You give some a few parking meters to the individual or service, where people voluntarily, donate as they leave their car parked, and then that money gets collected by the custodial charity or service. No central revenue collection, or anything like that. Straight to where it helps.
It’s a simple out of the box plan. It also eliminates that annoying pricing scheme by Vision a few years back.
It will make things a lot more possible and also a lot less a burden on tax payers. Whether guilt ridden or filled with conscience.

I would also say I favor dividing your tax bill and sending it straight to the service you want to, while there is a need for a tax bill. I will go looking into the tax system a little more over time.

Categories Charity, Parking

Your Two Cents

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